Cette traduction est une traduction libre et en cas de divergence, la version française prévaut et est considérée comme la référence officielle.


The card (hereinafter the "Card") is issued by XPollens (hereinafter the "Issuer"), of which it remains the property, at the request of its account-holding customers, to the latter and/or their duly authorised representatives ("Cardholder"), and subject to acceptance of the request by the Issuer. The Card is issued to the Cardholder in accordance with the procedures specified by the Issuer. MONECO is hereinafter referred to as the "Partner".

The Card will only be issued if the account has been opened and the Account Holder's details have been verified.

Where the Issuer decides not to issue a Card, it shall inform the Partner of the reasons for its decision.

The Card is strictly personal, and the Cardholder must sign it as soon as he/she receives it, provided there is a space provided for this purpose on the Card. The absence of a signature on the aforementioned Card justifies its refusal to be accepted.

To activate the Card, the Cardholder must make an initial physical purchase at an electronic payment terminal (hereinafter "Eftpos") by entering the PIN code.

The Cardholder is strictly prohibited from lending or disposing of the Card.

The Issuer prohibits the Cardholder from affixing adhesive labels or stickers or from making any inscription on the Card other than the signature referred to above.

The Cardholder shall refrain from making any functional or physical alteration to the Card of any nature whatsoever, and in particular any alteration likely to hinder its operation and that of the Eftpos terminals and ATMs (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Electronic Equipment") in any way whatsoever.

The Cardholder undertakes to use the Card and its number exclusively within the framework of the payment card scheme(s) whose mark(s) is (are) affixed to the Card and to comply with the rules relating to each of the said schemes set out in this contract.

A Payment Card Scheme is a single set of rules governing the execution of payment transactions linked to a Card (e.g. "Visa"). The brand name of the Payment Card scheme appears on the Card and when the payment transaction is carried out under this brand name, the rules of the said Payment Card scheme apply to the execution of this payment transaction, under the conditions specified in this contract and in compliance with French law applicable to this contract.

Part 1 of this contract defines the operating rules of the Card independently of the specific rules of the payment card scheme(s) whose brand(s) appear(s) on the Card, Part 2 defines the said specific rules and Part 3 defines the functionalities chosen by the Cardholder.


The terms used in this contract and beginning with a capital letter have, unless otherwise stipulated, the meaning given to them below. These terms may be used in the singular or plural.